Sunday, November 3, 2013

Round 3 Daemons vs Farsight/Tau

Round 3 Daemons vs Tau/Tau
I get paired up against my friend Paul. He's a great player. He knows exactly what to do with his army and with lots of tournament experience being ranked top 3 at Rankings HQ. I knew I was gonna have a tough game and I can admit I was a little bit intimidated since Im still having trouble against Tau having a record of 1-2 out of only before playing against New Tau 3 times. My lack of experience against Tau really hurt.
Right now Im at 46 pts overall to Paul's 50 fighting for Best General or even Best Overall. I cross my fingers and hope for the best.

Primary- Table Quarter Objectives 5 total (14 pts)
Secondary- Kill Points(10 pts)
Slay the Warlord, First Blood, Linebreaker (2 pts each)

Deployment: Table Quarters 12 in away from the center obj.

Here's my list.
(Forewarning , Combustion, Iron Arm, Terrify)

Herald of Tzeentch on Disk Grimoire
(Misfortune, Forewarning, Flickering Fire)

Herald of Tzeentch on Disk Portalglyth
(Prescience, Scryer's Gaze, FF)

Herald of Tzeentch on Disc Locus
(Scryer's Gaze, Prescience, Forewarning)

Herald of Tzeentch on Disk
(Prescience , Scryer's Gaze, FF)


Screamers x5
Flesh Hounds x10
Daemon Prince of Tzeentch
Wings, Armour, Greater x2. Lesser
(Endurance, Warp Speed)
(Corpulescence, 3+ Armor Saves, Staff)

His List: Farsight Enclaves
Commander- Cyclic Ion Blaster, Drone Controller, Plasma Rifle, Target Lock, Warpscaper Drone, Markerlight Drone x2

Crisis Team- Fusion Blaster x2, Target Lock, Plasma Rifle x2, Target Lock
Markerlight Drone x3

Crisis Team- Plasma Rifle x2, Plasma Rifle x2, Plasma Rifle x2, Gun Drone x2

Crisis Team- 3x Fusion Blaster Plasma Rifle Target Lock, Markerlight Drone x4

Skyray- Blacksun Filter, Networked Markerlight x2, Seeker Missile x6, Gun Drones x2, Velocity Tracker

Broadside Team- 2x Early Warning Override, Twin Linked High Yield Missile Pod, Twin Linked Smart Missile System,
Missile Pod Drones x4

Tau Empire Allies

Commander- Command and Control Node, Drone Controller, Multi Spectrum Suite, Neuroweb System Jammer, Positional Relay, Puretide Engram Neurochip, Vectored Retro Thrusters, Iridium, Markerlight Drone x2

Kroot Squad- 15x, Sniper Rounds, Hound
Kroot Squad- 10x, Hound

Barracuda- Auto Targeting Burst Cannon x2, Decoy Launchers, Ion Cannon, Twin Linked Missile Pod

Broadside Team- 2x Early Warning Override, Twin Linked High Yield Missile Pod, Twin Linked SMS, 4x Missile Pod Drones

His turn 3.
Here Paul takes the opportunity that 
I failed the grimoire and goes on the offensive  He goes straight for my throat which are my weak troop units.
He also starts to move onto objs and protects his warlord commander by moving him to the back. To my luck his 
Barracuda still hasnt come on. 

Shooting Phase. 
He shoots into the horrors with sms and missiles from the broadsides until all three are gone. 

During assault he keeps moving forward aggressively for better positioning.
This is the first time i see a whole tau army mive forward. scary view. 

My turn 4. 
I  pass forewarning, prescience and iron arm on fateweaver. also forewarning into a plaguebearer squad. i pass grimoire on star for 2up invul save. 
my last squad of plaguebearers comes in. 

I move my screamerstar into the middle and i also turbo boost right in front of his units during shooting phase. 

Fateweaver flies forward swooping. Here
you can see where the last plaguebearers landed at the top.
I start moving into objectives.
I can only reach 2 from here and contest the middle 1 as long as my troops survive.
I spawn a single horror. more troops is good but im also giving away chances to get easy killbpoints.

His turn 4.
His Barracuda comes in. 
He moves it into the middle. He shoots into the plaguebearers at the top with the 
Barracuda until they are all dead. 

He shoots into the lone horror with the broadsides on my his right and it also goes down. The rest of his army shoots into my screamerstar and with rerolls on my 2++ invul saves he only downs a single screamer. 
Here he surprises me. 
He assaults my star with his stubborn Tau commander and crisis suit unit. 
I kill 1 crisis suits and 2 drone and i lose none. but with stubborn he passes his morale check. 

Kill points me 1. him 5.

My turn 5
I pass presciense and forewarning on star. Fateweaver passes iron arm and flies off the table again. 
Grimoire is good on my star. 

My plaguebearers reach an obj and try to survive the incoming shooting phase. 

Shooting phase. warp storm table roll 8. nothing eventful happens. 

Assault. I kill a crisis suit, do a wound into the commander and kill a drone. 
He stays due to stubborn. 

His turn 5

He moves forward. He is holding the 2obj on the right. 

He shoots into one of my plaguebearers with whatever can shoot it and another kp for him. 

Kill points me 1. him 6. 

Here he runs with his troop crisis suit team to try and contest my only obj. he shoots into my plagues with the
Cuda but doesnt kill them all. i went to ground. 

He holds this objective.

He also holds this objective with his troop crisis suit team. 

I call it here because he is already winning 2-0 objs. And kill points 6-1. 
But before is called I give him the chance to try to kill fateweaver for slay the warlord since he wanted to get as much points out of me as he could. 
Hes able to ground me and shoots me down for those extra 2pts to his score. 

After he hit n run on bottom turn 6 i consolidated to contest the middle obj.

And the game ends. Major victory to him 30pts to 2pts. 
I only got linebreaker. It was learning experience for the both of us. 
Im still learning about Tau and this was his first game against the screamerstar. 
He didnt know how nasty this unit is. He said it really surprised him. 
I wished I could have been way more aggressive and just have gone all out from the get go. 
I didnt give enough threats from the beginning and this way he was able to dictate what he wanted to kill at his leisure. 

I want to thank Paul Mckelvey for a great time and an intense good game. 

I want to congratulate him because he went on to win best general with 80 pts and took home a 1000pt  Tau Army including a Riptide. 
(I gave him some shit for getting more 
Tau when he already had enough. lol just playing around. he took it with a chuckle.)

How did I end up? Well for only playing 
Chaos Daemons for 2 weeks and only 5 games before the 
Brawl, I ended up in 12th place out of 36 players with a total of 48pts. 

Overall I had a great time. 
I would like to thank Mark 
Reindl and Doug for putting on a great event. 
Everyone received a swag bag and also a  random raffle prize. mine was a bottle of glue, a dice cup, and a bottle of putty. 

I really recommend anyone that can go to this event next year to grab your  ticket early and be there. I definitely will be.  

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