Thursday, October 17, 2013

Who doesn't like Combos in 40K.

Lately Ive been thinking a lot about how many neat tricks you can do with White Scars Bike armies and the awesomeness that is the new and improved Chapter Master.

  We all know how you can shoot MCs with grav guns, making them init 1 due to concussive and then using Jaws to remove them off the table.

   The sweet, new trick using White Scars (atleast new to me) is charging a MC or any unit with a character with multiple wounds during your turn, or getting charged by one, both works. Once in combat on their turn you challenge said MC with your White Scars Chapter Master (bike, thunder hammer, shield eternal, artificer armour) and deal a wound making the MC or character concussive ( initiative 1 until next assault phase) and then using hit n run to leave combat on their turn. Once it is your turn, in your shooting phase, you hit that concussive MC/ Character with Jaws of the World Wolf and after a failed Deny the Witch, failed Initiative test at init 1, it is removed from play.

If played right this is a great way for removing those nasty MCs and characters off the table.

I hope you guys enjoy this neat trick and it comes in handy during your games. It has for me.

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